Wednesday, 16 November 2011

The Great Indoors

I'm still not certain about whether I want a relationship or not. But, despite my indecision, I am once again attempting the internet dating thing. I have been down this road before, but with little success due largely, I believe, to my deep-seated cynicism and skepticism towards the whole thing. Nonetheless, I have signed up (or been signed up - thanks sis!) on a site and have been dutifully studying the various profiles.

I have noticed a couple of things. First off, there seem to be many single guys in my town. Who'd a thunk? I know that I have only ever come across married fathers.

Pretty, but just think: bugs, dirt, heat, and no internet
The other thing I saw was that almost every single guy out there is looking for a girl who enjoys "the great outdoors", which makes me think that there aren't a lot of girls like that out there. I had an ambition to be a game ranger when I was about twelve though - does that qualify me? I don't think so, because while I have been known to hike and enjoy it; went paddle-skiing in my dim and distant past and wouldn't mind going again; count an outride on a semi-private game reserve in the Northern Province as one of the highlights of my life; even went camping once, although since that was at a music festival and there were about a bazillion other people I don't think it counts; I'm going to take this opportunity to lie back on my couch, put on a DVD, and admit to being a homebody. I don't even garden.

Look at me. Now look at your couch. Back to me. I'm the couch your couch could be.

This doesn't mean that I would stop my partner from pursuing any and all the outdoor activities his heart desires, especially if he's willing to mow the lawn, just so long as he doesn't stop me from pursuing my indoor ones. I'd like to have someone to share my love of sci-fi movies with, who will happily play "degrees of Kevin Bacon" with me and can discuss the cricket score or latest bestseller with equal ease, but I don't expect him to be with me all the time.In fact, I'd prefer it if he wasn't. I've kinda gotten used to having my own space.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Dreaming my job

Just now I realised that I have been at my current job for 3 months! This is noteworthy because it actually feels like I've been here forever.

Bit of background on the job situation: since leaving school, I have had various drudge-like positions doing admin for companies in a variety of fields. My favourite jobs (prior to this one) were the weekend job that I had at Culpeper The Herbalist in Cambridge (what an awesome shop - so sad that they closed) and at a christian bookstore in Kempton Park. The bookstore job was only good in the beginning though: eventually being on my feet for eight and a half hours a day, six days a week got old fast. The Culpeper job was great, but it was weekends only, and I was still a drone the other 5 days of the week (yes, I was working 7 days a week. I was much younger then, and had things like energy).

This was what I used to be...
Anyway, in 2007 I moved to Natal and went into business with my sister, which was fun at first but rapidly became too much like hard work for no reward. When we closed, I tried a couple of other things, and, working on the (mistaken) belief that it was the retail aspect that I enjoyed of the aforementioned jobs, I took a job working for an interior design shop. Basically, I sold furniture for little or no money.

And then I (ok, my sister) found this job. It is literally my ideal workplace. It is:
* in publishing
* 15 minutes WALK from my house
* well(ish) paid (by KZN standards)
* low pressure
* interesting

I get to apply my graphic design knowledge and my anal approach to spelling and punctuation. Plus I get internet access!

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Nano update

Eleven days into November, and I've only written just over 200 words of my novel, which means I am about ... oooh ... 18 000 words behind schedule.

As usual, I've got a pretty good title, and a really good plot idea, but I just can't seem to make a story out of the idea.

Hopefully I'll be able to put some serious graft in this weekend and catch up a bit with the word count.

Wish me luck!

Monday, 7 November 2011

Please explain...

... why we had to put up with Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen when Zac Efron is around?
Right: good. Left: ick.

Saturday, 5 November 2011

All I want to say is: Phwoarrrr!

Can I take a moment here to expound on the awesome hotness that is Jason Statham? I mean, YUH-UMMMMM. I just watched "The Expendables" - totally awesome flick - and the man is just too hot to be. AND he rides around on a Ducati. That was me - dissolving into a little puddle of lust. There is a lot of kick-ass-ness in this movie: Jet Li, Bruce Willis (despite the very cameo nature of his role), Arnold Schwarzenegger (ditto), even, dare I say it, Sly and Steve Austin kick their fair share of butt. But (hah hah) Jason Statham definitely prods the most donkey ever. And the knife throwing tricks? Mmm-hmm! Like I said, PHWOAARR.

What is it about men who ride bikes, have tattoos, and know how to use deadly weapons that I just find ... irresistible? My sister would say it's because I go for bad guys, and she's not wrong. But who wouldn't?

And I've just found out that they're working on a sequel. Yay!

Thursday, 3 November 2011


As you’ve probably realised by now, I am not a “girly-girl” (to my six-year-old niece’s continuing frustration). I do, however, have one VERY girly obsession – shoes. Of course, the shoes that I am obsessed with are bovver boots of all descriptions, but still.

I am now going to write an entire post mostly dedicated to the awesomeness of my Doc Martens. I bought them from the British Boot Company in Camden during my sojourn in the UK in 2004, so I have owned them for 7 years, and they’re still fantastic. Of course, because I live in a mostly hot country, I hadn’t really had a chance to wear them in until this year. This year, thank the heavens, we had a particularly cold, wet, and nasty winter, which meant that I wore my beautiful 16-up boots almost every day for four months. I had warm, dry feet all winter long.

They did give me ginormo, mutant blisters on the day that I walked 4.5km home from work after my car died on me, but that was more the fault of the socks than the boots.

While I was looking for images for this blog, I found the most beautiful, gorgeous, desirable, amazing image I have ever seen:

Must have!

See? They have heels! I’m not completely immune to the fineries of feminine apparel. (Plus, if the heels are really spiky, they make awesome weapons, too!)

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

November 1

Nanowrimo has begun!

Now I just need to write my 1,667 words for the day....