So last week I bought some herb seedlings, which aren't dead yet, and I have decided to move on to the next portion of my planny plan.
As everyone knows, farmers, and those suffering from PIZZA (Paranoid Independent ZombieZ Avoidance), need to up at the break of dawn to do farmery-type things. Also, I've heard that the "picking grapes and stomping on them" portion of my future will require a reasonable amount of physical activity. Since I currently do an average of negative hours of exercise and often take more than two hours to get out bed in the morning, I feel that it is vital for me to break these habits in order to succeed in my chosen path of hermitude. And also, despite my moniker, I am a bit tired of looking like the balloon-animal version of a grasshopper.
To that end, I am starting an exercise program (I know - again). On Sunday I started a daily 5am walking plan. Since I went out at 7 on Sunday, not at all yesterday, and at six this morning, I am exactly on schedule.
And I am performing a vital neighbourhood service by getting everyone out of bed on time to the barking of the local dogs.
And I get to put together posts like this one in my head while I'm walking.
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