Monday 19 September 2011

Any Freuds out there?

Last night I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that I was living on the site of the house that I grew up in, with my mother, my sister and my nieces. (Side note: Over the years, I have had many, many recurring nightmares about the house that I grew up in. This was not a nightmare, just a very peculiar dream) I don’t know where my dad and my brother in law were, but it was just us girls. The house had been torn down and replaced with an apartment block. The area that we were living in consisted of four bedrooms, three with single beds and one with a bunk bed for the girls, all centred around an sort of open plan kitchen / dining area laid out like a café. We were on the second floor, and there was a central staircase leading up in the middle of the storey, with a mirror apartment arrangement on the other side, occupied by another family. (I seem to remember that there were a lot of guys in that family, but they were entirely incidental to the dream.)

The street had been transformed into some kind of boulevard, and everyone who lived there seemed to know everyone else, kinda like one big, happy community. I went for a walk, shortly after we moved in, and saw a shop being set up and stocked in one of the houses of the side of the road. On the way back from my walk, the shop was up and running, so I bought two rolls of individually wrapped toilet paper, which I quite triumphantly presented to my mother and sister at the apartment, where they were sitting at a table in the café-like dining area. While I was doing my little bit of shopping, however, the Indian proprietor of the little store insisted that we had met before. I even remember that his surname was something like Vaneshin. I know that he told me his first name as well, and it’s right on the tip of my mind, but I can’t recall it right now.

Anyway, that was my dream: living in a strange place, in a strange community, with a strange family configuration, talking to strangers and buying toilet paper. Any thoughts as to what it might mean?

1 comment:

  1. Woah, peculiar indeed. Especially the Indian gent. In that street? Hard to credit it.
