Thursday 15 September 2011

Why grasshopper?

This morning, while I was walking to work, I had three epiphanies. (Well, I call them epiphanies, but really they’re just random thoughts. I have quite a few of those).

Anyway, today’s thoughts went as follows:
  1. I am built like a grasshopper. Average sized on top, with really BIG legs. Unfortunately, I cannot jump 20 times my own length (what an awesome super power that would be!)
  2. I should write a blog about how I am shaped like a grasshopper and call it Grashopper Girl (Hellooooo, world!)
  3. The title could also be an ironic allusion to the search for meaning in the world. Of course, since I use sci-fi and fantasy as source material, I’m not sure that I’d come up with anything a) useful or b) real. In the meantime, I’ll just say “42”.
My mind then proceeded to ramble down all sorts of strange pathways, like how the pursuit of meaning can be very cleverly disguised by the pursuit of hot bodies such as Chris Hemsworth in Thor, Jason Momoa in Conan and Hugh Jackman in just about everything.

Luckily, I arrived at work at that point, so my musings were curtailed.

But when I got to work I made my profile pic:

Not my best work, admittedly, but I had to make it in between doing the job that I'm paid to do. I'm quite fond of the boots, personally.

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